NBC Feature

Hi JNL Nation! I’m excited to be back on NBC TV, featured as a wellness, health and fitness expert. This time I’m talking about how to get better posture, how to not slump in your chair, how to have better spinal alignment, and how to not get tech neck. Tech neck is a phenomenon going on that affects women, children, men, and all people who work at their desks or are tied to their cell phones. Please watch this youtube video showing some fitness movements and exercises to help you get better posture, and not start to have curvature of the spine which will lead to many issues down the road. This was the most recent time that I was featured as a fitness & wellness expert! 
For more great fitness and wellness health tips, please visit www.JNLVIP.com where you will gain access to the hottest and best female fitness private Facebook group page full of daily inspiration and motivation. No matter where you are at on your fitness journey, my online workout training will help you to lose weight, look great, and achieve your goals! So what do you say, ladies? Join the group now and get the body you’ve always hoped for! When you become a member of the JNL facebook group, you won’t even need to go to the gym because I will be your own online personal trainer!